Rushing wind, tongue of fire, living water: the images of the Holy Spirit are so rich and varied. He embraces all of creation, but is most especially present in the rich indwelling in the heart of every baptized person. As Servants of the Holy Spirit, we thank and praise the Spirit for his gifts and graces. We pray that all who have been baptized will grow in the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit until the fruits flow out over all the earth. Come, Holy Spirit, renew the face of the earth!
Dear Sisters,
You are in the "vocation spotlight" at Te Deum Laudamus!
Please pray for me, and for my blog readers, that we may act on the graces of the Holy Spirit, deepen our love of the Eucharist, pray fervently for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and for the sanctification of the priesthood.
May God bless your community with more vocations.
Beautiful blog dear Sisters!
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